“variaciones estacionales de índice y dosis ultravioleta (uv) en la microestación meteorológica unt durante los años 2011-2012”
Ultraviolet radiation is a type of non-visible radiation in the solar spectrum, its wave length is short and has great power; measurements of UV radiation indicate us the degree of intensity with which reach the Earth´s surface, so have the UV index which is the relationship between the radiation received at the surface of the atmosphere and the Earth´s surface; the UV dose is the intensity of UV radiation per unit of time. These figures vary according to the geographical location of the town where you want to make a particular study and the weather station. In the city of Trujillo the population is subjected to the effects of ultraviolet radiation, and is case know how vary the UV index and UV dose in each season of the year, this is in our interest to determine the variation of such magnitude in the years 2011 and 2012; for such cases have been processed data from the meteorological station of the UNT, located in one of the pavilions of the Faculty of physical sciences and mathematics. After the processing of the data, our results give us to know that the UV index and UV dose vary in each season and each year; Thus we conclude that in the year 2012 there were large solar activity so the value of the UV index and UV dose show very different values in relation to the values achieved by these figures in 2011.