Personal branding en el storytelling publicitario: Caso Alessandra Mazzini y Camote Soup
2021-11-22Registro en:
0000 0001 2196 144X
Ajen Soto, Josselin Hatsumy
La industria de la moda presenta un mercado altamente competitivo. Por ello, las marcas se esfuerzan en destacar en redes sociales como Instagram, donde colaboran con influencers para obtener mayor reconocimiento de su público objetivo. Actualmente, estos usuarios influyentes no solo trabajan con marcas comerciales, sino que crean sus propias marcas personales. Una técnica que emplean para promocionar estas marcas de forma atractiva es el storytelling publicitario, pues con esto involucran las emociones de su audiencia. Si bien se han realizado estudios sobre el personal branding en celebridades de Perú, y sobre la colaboración entre marcas e influencers peruanos, hace falta indagar en profundidad en el personal branding de estos influencers y las estrategias de storytelling publicitario que emplean al promocionar productos. El objetivo de la presente investigación es analizar el personal branding de una influencer de moda peruana y el storytelling publicitario de su empresa, tomando como caso de investigación a la marca “Camote Soup” y su creadora, la diseñadora Alessandra Mazzini. Bajo el enfoque cualitativo, se realizaron quince entrevistas semiestructuradas por videollamada a mujeres de 18 a 25 años seguidoras de la influencer y su marca. Se halló que los elementos que destacan en el personal branding de Alessandra Mazzini son misticismo, vulnerabilidad y rol sociopolítico. Estos están presentes en el storytelling publicitario de “Camote Soup” tanto en sus prendas como en sus campañas. Se concluyó que existe una relación de dependencia-subordinación en el caso estudiado. The fashion industry presents a highly competitive market. For this reason, brands strive to stand out on social networks such as Instagram, where they collaborate with influencers to obtain greater recognition from their target audience. Currently, these influential users not only work with trademarks, but create their own personal brands. One technique they use to promote these brands in an attractive way is advertising storytelling, since this involves the emotions of their audience. Although studies have been carried out on the personal branding of celebrities in Peru, and on the collaboration between Peruvian brands and influencers, it is necessary to investigate in depth the personal branding of these influencers and the advertising storytelling strategies they use when promoting products. The objective of this research is to analyze the personal branding of a Peruvian fashion influencer and the advertising storytelling of her company, taking as a research case the brand “Camote Soup” and its creator, the designer Alessandra Mazzini. Under the qualitative approach, fifteen semi-structured interviews were conducted by video call with women between 18 and 25 years old, followers of the influencer and her brand. It was found that the elements that stand out in Alessandra Mazzini's personal branding are mysticism, vulnerability, and socio-political role. These are present in the advertising storytelling of "Camote Soup" both in their garments and in their campaigns. It was concluded that there is a dependency-subordination relationship in the case studied.