dc.creatorArellano-Saavedra, Rodrigo
dc.creatorPhilominraj, Andrew
dc.creatorRanjan, Ranjeeva
dc.creatorCerón Urzua, Claudio
dc.descriptionInstitutional educational projects are based on principles and values that schools adopt and which are reflected in the various aspects of their planning and pedagogical performance. The main objective of this study was to discover the values in the texts of the educational projects of schools in the Maule region, Chile, and to classify these into categories, according to a proposed axiological model of integral education. Axiology is the philosophical study of values. It includes questions about the nature and classification of values. The methodological research approach for our study is documentary, based on content analysis. In this research, an axiological study was carried out in six institutional educational projects through content analysis that contains the following sections: introduction and/or presentation of each educational project and the philosophical-curricular framework: vision, identity-mission, and objectives; and the students’ profile. The results indicate a dominance of social values, followed by intellectual, dynamic, and religious values and, finally, moral, individual, and instrumental values. The scarce presence of bodily and ecological values and the almost null appearance of aesthetic values is highly significant. The formation of values is an intentional and necessary educational activity for the training of the students of 21st century society.
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Chile
dc.sourceInternational Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 22(6), 494-514
dc.subjectContent analysis
dc.subjectEducational axiology
dc.subjectEducational projects
dc.subjectValues education
dc.titleAxiological study of educational projects in schools

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