Public treasury and private initiative. the origin of state funding of private universities in ChileErario público e iniciativa privada. El origen del financiamiento estatal a las universidades particulares en Chile
2018Registro en:
07182376 0716498X
Bernasconi A.
Darraz E.F.
Montenegro L.F.
© 2018 Universidad de Talca. All rights reserved.In this article we describe the origins of public funding for private institutions of higher education in Chile in the early twentieth century. With this purpose, we examine the period between 1850 and 1923, from the early expressions of public funding of private schools, to the approval in 1923 of subsidies for Universidad de Concepción and Universidad Católica de Chile. With the goal of understanding how these subsidies were thenjustified, we reviewed budget laws, minutes of parliamentary discussions in the House of Deputies and in the Senate, printed media published at the time, as well as secondary sources. We find that the first proposal to support a private university with public funds emerges shortly after the foundation of Universidad de Concepción in 1919, and as a result of its financial shortfalls in those early years. Universidad Católica is benefitted with public funding in 1923 as a result of a political compromise to provide equal support for both private universities. We also assert that the policy of subsidization of private primary and secondary schools paved the way to the extension of this policy to higher education.