Circumscribed palmar hypokeratosis: clinical evolution and ultrastructural study after prolonged treatment with topical calcipotriol
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Urbina, F
Misad, C
Gonzalez, S
Circumscribed palmar hypokeratosis is a recently described condition that consists of a solitary area of depressed skin affecting the palm (or sole). Its histo pathological features include a thinned horny layer, a slightly diminished granular cell layer, and intraepidermal vacuolated cells. Prolonged treatment with topical calcipotriol resulted in complete recovery of the affected zone in the case reported here. A second biopsy of the lesion taken at around the fourth year of therapy showed a normalization of the granular layer, a reduction in the intraepidermal vacuolated cells, and a somewhat thicker horny layer. An ultrastructural study carried out at the same time showed a reduction in keratin bundles and keratohyalin granules, and an increase in lipid droplets up to the horny layer. These findings and the therapeutic response to topical calcipotriol support the concept that circumscribed palmar hypokeratosis is a focalized abnormal keratinization defect morphologically expressed at the granular and horny layers.