dc.contributorVéliz Campos, Mauricio
dc.contributorFacultad de Educación y Ciencias Sociales
dc.creatorGuzmán Manríquez, César
dc.description.abstractThis present study discusses the impact of technology on education, specifically in the context of Blended Learning (BL), also known as hybrid learning, which combines traditional face-to-face instruction with online learning activities. BL has been advocated for in recent years as a way to provide students with a flexible and personalized learning experience, particularly in the context of English as a foreign language instruction. However, there are challenges to implementing a successful BL model, including the need for technology access, organizational readiness, motivated faculty, good communication, and feedback channels with students. In particular, the study explores the role of learner strategies and enjoyment as variables in the BL learning process and investigates the role of metacognition in self-directed learning. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between cognitive, metacognitive strategies and enjoyment in blended learning (BL) among non-English major tertiary students. Data was collected through a questionnaire with a five-point Likert scale. Results revealed that the most frequently used cognitive strategies were paying attention to pictures and using subtitles to understand better, while the most frequently used metacognitive strategies were trying to learn English better using a device/computer and noticing and reflecting on one's learning progress. The study also found that students generally felt prepared for in-person lessons and found it helpful to access information and content through the blended learning platform. Enjoyment appears to go hand-in-hand with good metacognitive strategies in a BL environment.
dc.publisherUniversidad Andrés Bello
dc.subjectHablantes Extranjeros
dc.subjectEstrategias de Enseñanza
dc.subjectAprendizaje Semipresencial
dc.titleA study of cognitive, metacognitives strategies and enjoyment in a blended learning environment

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