Latin America and the Caribbean Code Against Cancer 1st Edition: 17 cancer prevention recommendations to the public and to policy-makers (World Code Against Cancer Framework)
Preventable risk factors are responsible of at least 40% of cases and almost 45% of all cancer deaths worldwide. Cancer is already the leading cause of death in almost half of the Latin American and the Caribbean countries constituting a public health problem. Cost-effective measures to reduce exposures through primary prevention and screening of certain types of cancers are critical in the fight against cancer but need to be tailored to the local needs and scenarios. The Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) Code Against Cancer, 1st edition, consists of 17 evidence-based recommendations for the general public, based on the most recent solid evidence on lifestyle, environmental, occupational, and infectious risk factors, and medical interventions. Each recommendation is accompanied by recommendations for policymakers to guide governments establishing the infrastructure needed to enable the public adopting the recommendations. The LAC Code Against Cancer has been developed in a collaborative effort by a large number of experts from the region, under the umbrella strategy and authoritative methodology of the World Code Against Cancer Framework. The Code is a structured instrument ideal for cancer prevention and control that aims to raise awareness and educate the public, while building capacity and competencies to policymakers, health professionals, stakeholders, to contribute to reduce the burden of cancer in LAC.
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