Artículo de revista
Data supporting the forecast of electricity generation capacity from non-conventional renewable energy sources in Colombia
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Corporación Universidad de la Costa
REDICUC - Repositorio CUC
Sagastume, Alexis
Cabello Eras, Juan José
Cabello Ulloa, Mario Javier
Rey-Martínez, Francisco Javier
Rueda-Bayona, Juan Gabriel
The data included in this study was calculated based on data provided by the national project registry provided by the Colombian government. The data forecasts the evolution of the power generation capacity registered in non-conventional renewable energy source projects in three scenarios of implementation of the power generation capacity registered in the projects. Results can be used to benchmark non-conventional renewable energy sources in Colombia, interpret the effectiveness of renewable policies, and monitor the evolution of non-conventional renewable-based power generation. The data presented in the article relates to the research study: A look to the electricity generation from nonconventional renewable energy sources in Colombia .