Artículo de revista
Virtual network level of application composed IP networks connected with systems - (NETS Peer-to- Peer)
Nivel de red virtual de aplicaciones Compuesto por redes IP conectadas con sistemas - (NETS Peer-to-Peer)
Registro en:
Corporación Universidad de la Costa
REDICUC - Repositorio CUC
Viloria Silva, Amelec Jesus
Robayo Acuna, Paula Vivana
The objective is to analyze the foundation the Virtual Network Level of Application Composed IP Networks Connected with Systems. Methods/Statistical Analysis: In this research using the methodological foundation logical analysis attempts to give an overview of the state of the art in terms P2P and especially networks in the field of computer systems distributed along with several contributions that allow build systems High Throughput Computing. Findings: The network is virtual is application level made up connected to IP networks, in a nutshell systems P2P systems are distributed systems in which there are no any central control or hierarchical structure and can therefore go beyond the services offered by traditional centralized type systems Client Server at the cost of greater technical and theoretical complexity. In P2P systems, nodes that make up the system are connected together using IP networks forming a kind of virtual network application layer, also called “Overlay”, which is used to route messages between nodes in order to find information The objective is to analyze the foundation the Virtual Network Level of Application Composed IP Networks Connected with Systems. Methods/Statistical Analysis: In this research using the methodological foundation logical analysis attempts to give an overview of the state of the art in terms P2P and especially networks in the field of computer systems distributed along with several contributions that allow build systems High Throughput Computing. Findings: The network is virtual is application level made up connected to IP networks, in a nutshell systems P2P systems are distributed systems in which there are no any central control or hierarchical structure and can therefore go beyond the services offered by traditional centralized type systems Client Server at the cost of greater technical and theoretical complexity. In P2P systems, nodes that make up the system are connected together using IP networks forming a kind of virtual network application layer, also called “Overlay”, which is used to route messages between nodes in order to find information