O this study has as a theme" Planning in Physical Education classes" THE PLANNING occurs collectively and democratically, between the actors who are present in the school context .Cbt In this sense it is worth stressing the importance of planning which serves as a means or organizational tool for the teacher, in this perspective, the aim of this work is to investigate how the teacher carries out its planning in Physical Education classes, in this way, the planning is an instrument that will help the teacher guide their classe. Planning in the authentic meaning, it is for the teacher to a door in preparation for the theory and planning becomes a tool of intelectual work. Therefore having as specific objectives check as the construction of planning during the school year is a way to help the teacher of Physical Education, since not all teachers that give classroom discipline are graduated in the area, but to have as a complementation of workload, analyze the time available to plan lots of times the teacher didn't have time available. .having as a bibliographic research methodology of qualitative and descriptive in the collection of data on the topic approached, the study is justified by the importance of planning at all levels of education for the proper development of physical education classes, for professional growth, seeking a pedagogical practice conscious, intervening in the school reality and creating conditions of higher learning in the formation of the individual. Therefore, the planning may not be an isolated action, but together, offering the possibility of growth and development of the students, as well as the evolution of the schoo. The study is justified by the importance of planning at all levels of education for the proper development of physical education classes, for professional growth, seeking a pedagogical practice conscious, intervening in the school reality and creating conditions of higher learning in the formation of the individual.

dc.contributorCarvalho , Fábio Luiz Oliveira
dc.creatorGomes, Valmiro Alves Ferreira
dc.descriptionO presente estudo tem como temática” Planejamento nas aulas de Educação Física” O planejamento ocorre de maneira coletiva e democrática, entre os atores que estão presentes no contexto escolar. Nesse sentido vale ressaltar a importância do planejamento que serve como meio ou ferramenta de organização para o professor, nessa perspectiva o objetivo do presente trabalho é investigar como o professor realiza o seu planejamento nas aulas de Educação Física, dessa forma, o planejamento é um instrumento de trabalho que vai ajudar ao professor nortear suas aulas. Planejar no sentido autêntico, é para o professor uma porta de preparação para a teoria e o planejamento torna-se uma ferramenta de trabalho intelectual. Portanto tendo como objetivos específicos verificar como ocorre a construção do planejamento durante o ano letivo é uma maneira de ajudar o professor de Educação Física, visto que nem todos os professores que dão aula da disciplina são graduados na área, mas a tem como complementação de carga horária, analisar o tempo disponível para planejar muita das vezes o professor não tem tempo disponível .Tendo como metodologia uma pesquisa bibliográfica de cunho qualitativo e descritivo no levantamento de dados sobre a temática abordada, o estudo se justifica pela importância do planejamento em todos os níveis de ensino para o bom desenvolvimento das aulas de Educação Física, para o crescimento profissional, buscando uma prática pedagógica consciente, intervindo na realidade escolar e criando condições de maior aprendizagem na formação do indivíduo. Portanto, o planejamento não pode ser uma ação isolada, e sim conjunta, oferecendo a possibilidade de crescimento e desenvolvimento dos alunos, como também a evolução da escola. O estudo se justifica pela importância do planejamento em todos os níveis de ensino para o bom desenvolvimento das aulas de Educação Física, para o crescimento profissional, buscando uma prática pedagógica consciente, intervindo na realidade escolar e criando condições de maior aprendizagem na formação do indivíduo.
dc.format59 f
dc.rightsAtribuição-SemDerivados 3.0 Brasil
dc.subjectPlanejamento Escola Educação Física
dc.titlePlanejamento nas Aulas de Educação Física
dc.titleO this study has as a theme" Planning in Physical Education classes" THE PLANNING occurs collectively and democratically, between the actors who are present in the school context .Cbt In this sense it is worth stressing the importance of planning which serves as a means or organizational tool for the teacher, in this perspective, the aim of this work is to investigate how the teacher carries out its planning in Physical Education classes, in this way, the planning is an instrument that will help the teacher guide their classe. Planning in the authentic meaning, it is for the teacher to a door in preparation for the theory and planning becomes a tool of intelectual work. Therefore having as specific objectives check as the construction of planning during the school year is a way to help the teacher of Physical Education, since not all teachers that give classroom discipline are graduated in the area, but to have as a complementation of workload, analyze the time available to plan lots of times the teacher didn't have time available. .having as a bibliographic research methodology of qualitative and descriptive in the collection of data on the topic approached, the study is justified by the importance of planning at all levels of education for the proper development of physical education classes, for professional growth, seeking a pedagogical practice conscious, intervening in the school reality and creating conditions of higher learning in the formation of the individual. Therefore, the planning may not be an isolated action, but together, offering the possibility of growth and development of the students, as well as the evolution of the schoo. The study is justified by the importance of planning at all levels of education for the proper development of physical education classes, for professional growth, seeking a pedagogical practice conscious, intervening in the school reality and creating conditions of higher learning in the formation of the individual.
dc.coveragePARIPIRANGA - BA

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