Artigo Científico
Mediação de conflitos: uma possibilidade de intervenção junto às interações interpessoais no ambiente escolar
Conflict mediation: a possibility of intervention with interpersonal interactions in the school environment
Fontana, Milena De Pieri Bez
Conflict mediation is approached as a possibility of intervention with interpersonal interactions in the school environment. It is assumed that conflicts are part of the human condition, therefore, it is no different in the school context. It is argued that, in the school context, conflicts arise for the most varied reasons and mediation can be a strategy to promote the culture of peace, since it promotes practices and reports of experiences and listening, and thus minimizes the negative impacts of conflicting relationships that affect the school context. It is demonstrated that, in order to implement alternatives that can reduce or prevent conflicts in school contexts, pedagogical practices have been developed that promote conflict resolution. One of the defining characteristics of such experiences is to turn to everyone involved in the conflict, including the community. As pillars of mediation, it is based on respect, participation, dialogue and responsibility, restoring the relationships that were broken and repairing the damage. In school mediation the mediator provides a welcoming, safe and open environment for dialogue to conflicting peers, enhancing respect for differences. It is proposed that, in addition to being possible to mediate in the school environment, actions of this order are fundamental because the school space can be a motivator of social harmony. Conflict mediation is approached as a possibility of intervention with interpersonal interactions in the school environment. It is assumed that conflicts are part of the human condition, therefore, it is no different in the school context. It is argued that, in the school context, conflicts arise for the most varied reasons and mediation can be a strategy to promote the culture of peace, since it promotes practices and reports of experiences and listening, and thus minimizes the negative impacts of conflicting relationships that affect the school context. It is demonstrated that, in order to implement alternatives that can reduce or prevent conflicts in school contexts, pedagogical practices have been developed that promote conflict resolution. One of the defining characteristics of such experiences is to turn to everyone involved in the conflict, including the community. As pillars of mediation, it is based on respect, participation, dialogue and responsibility, restoring the relationships that were broken and repairing the damage. In school mediation the mediator provides a welcoming, safe and open environment for dialogue to conflicting peers, enhancing respect for differences. It is proposed that, in addition to being possible to mediate in the school environment, actions of this order are fundamental because the school space can be a motivator of social harmony. Aborda-se a mediação de conflitos como uma possibilidade de intervenção junto às interações interpessoais no ambiente escolar. Parte-se do princípio de que os conflitos são parte da condição humana, portanto, não é diferente no contexto escolar. Argumenta-se que, no contexto escolar, os conflitos surgem pelos mais variados motivos e a mediação pode ser uma estratégia de promoção da cultura da paz, posto promover práticas e relatos de experiências e de escuta, e, assim, minimizar os impactos negativos das relações conflituosas que acometem o contexto escolar. Demonstra-se que, no intuito de implantar alternativas que possam reduzir ou prevenir os conflitos nos contextos escolares, vem-se desenvolvendo práticas pedagógicas que promovem a solução de conflitos. Uma das características definidoras de tais experiências é se voltarem a todos os envolvidos no conflito, incluindo a comunidade. Como pilares da mediação, pauta-se no respeito, na participação, no diálogo e na responsabilidade, restaurando as relações que foram rompidas e reparando o prejuízo. Na mediação escolar o mediador proporciona um ambiente acolhedor, seguro e aberto ao diálogo aos pares em conflito, potencializando o respeito às diferenças. Propõe-se que, além de possível a mediação no ambiente escolar, ações desta ordem são fundamentais porque o espaço escolar pode ser um motivador da harmonia social.