dc.creatorAlves, Vander
dc.creatorCosta Neto, Alberto
dc.creatorSoares, Sérgio
dc.creatorSantos, Gustavo
dc.creatorCalheiros, Fernando
dc.creatorNepomuceno, Vilmar
dc.creatorPires, Davi
dc.creatorLeal, Jorge
dc.creatorBorba, Paulo
dc.identifierALVES, V. et al. From conditional compilation to aspects: a case study in software product lines migration. In: WORKSHOP ON ASPECT-ORIENTED PRODUCT LINE ENGINEERING (AOPLE), ACM INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON GENERATIVE PROGRAMMING AND COMPONENT ENGINEERING (GPCE), 5., Portland. Anais eletrônicos... Portland: GPCE, 2006. Disponível em: <http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=>. Acesso em: 2 set. 2013.
dc.descriptionApart from adoption strategies, an existing Software Product Line (SPL) implemented using some variability mechanisms can be migrated to use another variability mechanism. In this paper, we present some migration strategies from one SPL implemented with conditional compilation to one using Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP). The strategies present a variability pattern handled by the first mechanism and shows how it can be translated into a pattern using AOP constructs. We also show and discuss that some variability patterns cannot be migrated into AOP. The discussion centers around a commercial SPL in the mobile games domain.
dc.subjectLinha de produtos de software
dc.subjectProgramação orientada a aspectos
dc.titleFrom conditional compilation to aspects: a case study in software product lines migration
dc.typeTrabalhos em Eventos

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