Produção e entomofauna associada à melissa (Melissa officinalis, L.) cultivada com mulch sintético

dc.creatorMendonça, Marcelo da Costa
dc.creatorSantos, Michelle da Fonseca
dc.creatorSimões, Renata Araújo
dc.creatorSilva-Mann, Renata
dc.creatorBlank, Arie Fitzgerald
dc.identifierMENDONÇA, M. C. et al. Production and entomofauna associated to lemon balm (Melissa officinalis L.) cultivated with synthetic mulch. Revista Brasileira de Plantas Medicinais, Botucatu, v. 8, n. 1, 2005. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 04 fev. 2016.
dc.identifierCreative Commons Attribution License
dc.descriptionO objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar o potencial de produção de M. officinalis e a entomofauna associada, em dois sistemas de cultivo. As plantas foram cultivadas com mulch de plástico preto e em sistema convencional (terra nua). As variáveis avaliadas foram alturas de planta (cm), rendimento de folha (t/ha-1), teor (ml/100g-1) e rendimento (l/ha) de óleo essencial, para duas colheitas. Os insetos foram coletados durante o desenvolvimento das plantas com aspirador bucal e rede entomológica, avaliando-se a população, ordens e número de espécies nos sistemas de cultivo. As plantas cultivadas com “mulch” de plástico preto apresentaram melhores resultados para a maioria dos parâmetros avaliados, em comparação àquelas plantadas nas leiras em terra nua. No aspecto referente a entomofauna, foi capturado um total de 261 insetos pertencentes a oito ordens, com predominância de Coleopteros e Hemipteros. Do total de insetos coletados, 64,7% foram encontrados no sistema de cultivo sem mulch._________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT: The aim of the present work was to evaluate the effect of two management systems on Melissa officinalis productivity, as well as on the associated entomofauna. The management systems were: black plastic mulching and without mulch. The experimental design was randomized blocks with three replications in June 1st, 2003. The parameters evaluated were: height of plants, the yield of two clippings (weight of leaves) and essential oil content (%). The insects were collected and classified during crop vegetative period. The number of orders and insect families were recorded for both systems. The mulching system presented the best results for almost evaluated parameters. Two hundred sixty one insects were collected, related to eight orders most Coleoptera and Hemiptera. Sixty four percent of insects were collected in the conventional system. The results suggest the black plastic mulching as an interesting technique for M. officinalis to promote the best development and improve biomass production. This method improved the essential oil production and reduced the presence of weeds minimizing the post harvest costs.
dc.publisherCentro Pluridisciplinar de Pesquisas Químicas, Biológias e Agrícolas da UNICAMP
dc.subjectPlantas medicinais
dc.subjectMulch sintético
dc.subjectMedicinal plants
dc.subjectSynthetic mulch
dc.titleProduction and entomofauna associated to lemon balm (Melissa officinalis L.) cultivated with synthetic mulch
dc.titleProdução e entomofauna associada à melissa (Melissa officinalis, L.) cultivada com mulch sintético

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