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Calculating the influence of tagging people on sentiment analysis
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RAMOS, B. L. et al. Calculating the influence of tagging people on sentiment analysis. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SOFTWARE, TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND COMPUTER NETWORKS, 26., 2018, Split. Proceedings… [S.l.]: Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, 2018. Não paginado.
Ramos, Breno Ladeira
Lasmar, Eduardo
Rosa, Renata Lopes
Rodriguez, Demostenes Zegarra
Grutzman, Andre
Social media makes it possible for anyone to share
and transmit their opinions and sentiments to the rest of the
world via the Internet. Recently, sentiment analysis is being used
to investigate the opinions posted on Online Social Networks
(OSN) based on multiple inputs, such as user profile characteristics, slang, emoticons, among others. However, the current
sentiment analysis tools do not consider the influence of tagging
people on OSN. In this context, this paper analyzes the impact
of the tagging parameter on the global sentiment score of a
text. The experimental results of subjective tests show that a
correction factor must be considered in case of tagging people.
Experimental results demonstrate that the tagging parameter
affects the sentiment intensity value, in different ways, depending
on the gender of the person who wrote the text and the
sentiment polarity of the text. The new sentiment intensity metric
considering the tagging people parameter reaches a Pearson
Correlation Coefficient of 0.93 and a maximum error of 0.07,
for texts of negative polarity written by women, at a 5-point
scale. Furthermore, a mobile application with the new sentiment
metric, which considers the tagging parameter, is built.