Resistance of particleboard panels made of agricultural residues and bonded with synthetic resins or pvc plastic to wood-rotting fungi
Resistência de painéis aglomerados de resíduos agrícolas colados com resinas sintéticas e plástico pvc a fungos apodrecedores
Registro en:
TEIXEIRA, D. E.; GARLET, A.; SANCHES, K. L. Resistance of particleboard panels made of agricultural residues and bonded with synthetic resins or pvc plastic to wood-rotting fungi. Cerne, Lavras, v. 15, n. 4, p. 413-420, out./dez. 2009.
Teixeira, Divino Eterno
Garlet, Alencar
Sanches, Keila Lima
This study aims to evaluate the resistance of three types of particleboard panel to biodeterioration, two of which bonded with synthetic resins and one bonded with PVC plastic. Composite panels were made using sugar cane straw particles as raw material which were bonded together with urea-formaldehyde (UF), tannin-formaldehyde (TANI) and PVC plastic (PVC) resins. Decay tests were performed following procedures outlined in the ASTM D2017-81/1994 standard, whereby sample specimens were subjected to attack by white rot fungus Trametes versicolor and brown rot fungus Gloeophyllum trabeum using pine (Pinus sp.) and embaúba (Cecropia sp.) as reference timber. Panels bonded with PVC resin were rated ‘resistant’ to attack by both fungi while those bonded with UF and TANI resins were rated ‘slightly resistant’ to their attack. O presente estudo avaliou a resistência à biodeterioração de três tipos de chapas de aglomerado; duas com resinas
sintéticas e uma com plástico PVC. Painéis foram produzidos usando partículas de palha de cana-de-açúcar como matéria-prima,
colados com resinas de uréia-formaldeído (UF), tanino-formaldeído (TANI) e plástico PVC (PVC). Os ensaios de deterioração foram
conduzidos segundo a norma ASTM D2017-81/1994, onde corpos-de-prova foram submetidos ao ataque dos fungos Trametes versicolor (podridão-branca) e Gloeophyllum trabeum (podridão-parda), usando como referência amostras de pinus (Pinus sp.) e
de embaúba (Cecropia sp.). Os painéis colados com PVC foram classificados como resistentes ao ataque de ambos os fungos, enquanto os com UF e TANI apresentaram-se pouco resistentes ao ataque dos fungos testados.