Brucella abortus vaccines: use in control programs and immune response
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DORNELES, E. M. S.; OLIVERIA, L. F.; LAGE, A. P. Brucella abortus vaccines: use in control programs and immune response. Journal of Bacteriology and Mycology, [S. l.], v. 4, n. 1, p. 1-6, 2017.
Dorneles, E. M. S.
Oliveria, L. F.
Lage, A. P.
Brucella spp. is a highly infectious pathogen that affects numerous livestock and wild animal species besides humans, and that although eradicated in some countries, remains one of the most economically important zoonosis worldwide. Strain 19 and RB51 are the two Brucella abortus vaccine strains more largely used in the control of brucellosis in cattle worldwide, being effective in the prevention of abortion and infection, besides offering long lasting protection. Here, we reviewed the main aspects of the B. abortus vaccines and their use in brucellosis control and eradication programs over the years and the current understanding in the immune response triggered by these two B. abortus vaccines, especially in cattle.