dc.creatorFerreira, Silvia Costa
dc.creatorGonzatti, Robson Bauwlez
dc.creatorPereira, Rondineli Rodrigues
dc.creatorSilva, Carlos Henrique da
dc.creatorSilva, L. E. Borges da
dc.creatorLambert-Torres, Germano
dc.identifierFERREIRA, S. C. et al. Finite control set model predictive control for dynamic reactive power compensation with hybrid active power filters. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, New York, v. 65, n. 3, p. 2608-2617, Mar. 2018.
dc.descriptionThis paper applies finite control set model predictive control (FCS-MPC) for dynamic reactive power compensation using a hybrid active power filter (HAPF). The FCS-MPC uses a model based on LCL-filter equations to predict the system behavior and optimize the control action. In fact, the application of FCS-MPC in grid-connected converters with LCL-Filter is quite recent. This algorithm is a very promising control technique for power electronics converters and its use for reactive power control of hybrid filter has not been reported in the literature yet. This paper uses the FCS-MPC in a multivariable structure along with an adaptive notch filter to damp resonance. The main purpose is to improve the dynamic response of the HAPF. Simulation as well as practical results prove the feasibility of FCS-MPC application in HAPF reactive power control. The dynamic response of the equipment was significantly improved and represents the main contribution of this paper. As a result, the FCS-MPC allows tracking fluctuations and abrupt changes in load reactive power.
dc.publisherIEEE Xplore
dc.sourceIEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics
dc.subjectDynamic reactive power compensation
dc.subjectFinite control set model predictive control
dc.subjectHybrid active power filter
dc.subjectModel predictive control
dc.subjectCompensação dinâmica de potência reativa
dc.subjectControle preditivo de modelo de conjunto de controle finito
dc.subjectFiltro de energia ativa híbrida
dc.subjectFiltro LCL
dc.subjectControle preditivo modelo
dc.titleFinite control set model predictive control for dynamic reactive power compensation with hybrid active power filters

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