Lipoxygenases affect protease inhibitor levels in soybean seeds
Oliveira, Maria Goreti de Almeida
Carvalho, Willam Lima de
Barros, Everaldo Gonçalves de
Moreira, Maurilio Alves
No physiological role has been assigned to lipoxygenases (LOX) (linoleate:oxygen oxidoreductase, EC present in soybean seeds. The development of LOX null lines has provided an ideal genetic material to determine possible physiological roles for seed LOX. Genetic elimination of seed LOX was followed by a corresponding decrease in the levels of protease inhibitors in soybean seeds. Participation of LOX in the biosynthetic pathway leading to jasmonates, which activate protease inhibitor genes, has been demonstrated in leaves of several plant species. It is conceivable that LOX has a similar role in the developing seed.