Effects of stocking density and artificial substrates on yield and water quality in a biofloc shrimp nursery culture
Legarda, Esmeralda Chamorro
Barcelos, Suhellen Santos
Redig, Joselle Cursino
Ramírez, Norha Constanza Bolívar
Guimarães, Ariane Martins
Santo, Carlos Manoel do Espírito
Seiffert, Walter Quadros
Vieira, Felipe do Nascimento
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of different stocking densities and the presence/absence of two artificial substrates on water quality and production rates of marine shrimp in a biofloc shrimp nursery culture. Two experiments were performed: different stocking densities with mosquito netting substrate and the presence/absence of polyestertype substrate. The first experiment lasted 38 days, and shrimp at an initial weight of 0.013±0.010 g were stocked in 24 tanks. The second experiment lasted 35 days, and shrimp at an initial weight of 0.037±0.002 g were stocked in six tanks. Weekly biometric measurements were performed to adjust the amount of feed. Suspended solids were higher at a density of 6000 PL m−3 and mosquito netting substrate. Final weight and specific growth rate were higher in treatments with mosquito netting substrate. However, survival was significantly lower with this substrate. Yield was significantly higher at a density of 6000 PL m−3. Polyester-type substrate had no significant effect on production rates or variables of water quality. However, this substrate could reduce the production of sludge. The results indicate that it is possible to culture shrimp in nursery stage up to 6000 PL m−3 in a biofloc system