Epidemic spreading in a scale-free network of regular lattices
Silva, S. L.
Ferreira, J. A.
Martins, M. L.
The susceptible-infected-susceptible (SIS) epidemics in a scale-free network in which each node is a square lattice itself is
investigated through large-scale computer simulations. The model combines a local contact process among individuals in a
node (or city) with stochastic long-range infections due to people traveling between cities interconnected by the national
transportation scale-free network. A nonzero epidemic threshold is found and it is approached with a power-law behavior
by the density of infected individuals, as observed in the small-world network of Watts and Strogatz. Also, the epidemic
propagation follows a 1/f , hierarchical dynamics from the highly connected square lattices to the smaller degree nodes in
outbreaks with sizes distributed accordingly a Gaussian function.