Optimized Descriptive Profile: A rapid methodology for sensory description
Silva, Rita de Cássia dos Santos Navarro da
Minim, Valéria Paula Rodrigues
Simiqueli, Andréa Alves
Moraes, Liliane Elen da Silva
Gomide, Aline Iamin
Minim, Luis Antônio
The objective of this study was to propose a rapid method for obtaining sensory descriptions of foods utilizing semi-trained judges and the quantitative evaluation of sensory attributes, called the Optimized Descriptive Profile (ODP). It was proposed that reference materials be present during final evaluation of the products. Therefore the judges could compare samples with the reference materials, facilitating the allocation of attribute intensity on the unstructured scale. The description obtained by the ODP was compared with the Conventional Profile (CP). Comparative analyses were made between the graphical representations obtained by the Principal Components Analysis (PCA), t-test and correlation analysis. Correlation between sensory measurements obtained by both methods and the instrumental texture measurements was also evaluated. The proposed methodology provided a sensory profile that was very similar to that of the evaluation trained panel (CP) in relation to the graphical configuration of the samples and the correlation of attributes with the principal components. Results of the sensory description presented significant correlation without significant differences according to the t-test at the probability level of 0.10. Sensory data obtained by the CP and ODP presented significant correlation (p < 0.10) with the instrumental properties of texture. The proposed descriptive analysis thus has the potential to quantitatively report sensory attributes, reducing the time and cost of sensory tests and facilitating the correlation of sensory and instrumental measurements.