Arsenic and trace metals in water and sediment of the velhas river, southeastern iron quadrangle region, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Silva, Danilo de C.
Bellato, Carlos R.
Marques Neto, José de O.
Fontes, Maurício P. F.
This work was undertaken in the Velhas River Basin, in the municipalities of Rio Acima, Nova Lima, Raposos and Sabará, upstream of the city of Belo Horizonte in Minas Gerais State, Brazil. Velhas River provides the public water supply for much of this region. The gold and iron mining activities in the Velhas River yield considerable amounts of suspended solids as well as metals to the hydrological system of the region. Thus, the present study sought to evaluate the concentrations of arsenic and trace metals in the waters and their distribution and mobility in sediment by BCR sequential extraction. Arsenic concentrations in the water samples were between 78.1 and 85.3 μg L -1 , which exceeded 10 μg L -1 (maximum limit permitted by Brazilian environmental regulations for water destined to human consumption, CONAMA Resolution 357/2005). The sequential extraction of the sediment showed considerable amounts of As (20%), Cd (55%), Co (56%), Cr (16%), Cu (23%), Ni (29%), Pb (47%) and Zn (71%) associated with the geochemical fractions considered potentially available for the remobilization to the aquatic environment. The presence of the elements in these fractions indicated high ecotoxicological risk and potential harm to the health of the local population.