| Artigo
Additions to the genera Asterolibertia and Cirsosia (Asterinaceae, Asterinales), with particular reference to species from the Brazilian Cerrado
Firmino, André Luiz
Inácio, Carlos Antonio
Pereira, Olinto Liparini
Dianese, José Carmine
Four new Asterolibertia species and a new variety of Cirsosia splendida, all found on native Cerrado plants, belonging to three host families are described, illustrated and named as: A. bahiensis sp. nov. on Erythroxylum sp. (Erythroxylaceae); A. barrinhensis sp. nov. on Diospyros burchellii (Ebenaceae); A. campograndensis sp. nov. on Hirtella glandulosa (Chrysobalanaceae); A. parinaricola sp. nov. on Parinari obtusifolia (Chrysobalanaceae); and Cirsosia splendida var. laevigata var. nov., showing both sexual and asexual morphs, on H. glandulosa and H. gracilipes (Chrysobalanaceae). Finally, A. licaniae is reported on a new host, H. gracilipes. Keys to all the known species of Asterolibertia and Cirsosia are included.