Career and social trajectory in the monarchy and the Portuguese overseas empire, governors general of the State of Brazil (1640-1702)
Cosentino, Francisco Carlos
This paper examines the careers of Portuguese fidalgos sent to the State of Brazil between 1640 and 1702 as governors-general and describes both their social positions and the social ascension and political power they achieved due to the services performed and the positions held in Portugal and overseas. In addition, their high social positions and political influence on the Portuguese monarchy is noted. O artigo analisa as carreiras dos fidalgos portugueses enviados para o Estado do Brasil entre 1640 e 1702 como governadores gerais e caracteriza a sua qualificação social e os acrescentamentos sociais e poder político alcançados por
eles em razão dos serviços realizados e dos cargos ocupados no reino e no ultramar, constatando sua elevada qualificação social e influência política na monarquia portuguesa.