On the knowledge of the thing-in-itself according to Schopenhauer;
Sobre el conocimiento de la cosa en sí según Schopenhauer;
On the knowledge of the thing-in-itself according to Schopenhauer;
On the knowledge of the thing-in-itself according to Schopenhauer;
Sobre o conhecimento da coisa-em-si segundo Schopenhauer

dc.creatorGarcía, Roger Antonio Pérez
dc.descriptionThis paper proposes to analyze Schopenhauer’s methodological and hermeneutical considerations regarding the knowledge of the thing-in-itself. For this purpose, I explain the nature of the philosophical abstraction in light of the primacy of the metaphysics of the Will. I argue that the possibility of the philosophical research is rooted on the interpretation of self-knowledge as an instance of the Will’s objectivation. In this regard, I will plead that the definition and criteria developed by Schopenhauer for his philosophy are established at the expense of deductive demonstration, in favor of a peculiar and particular form of abstraction fitted for the philosophical enterprise and subject matter. Finally, I will present an interpretation of the epistemological basis of reflection in line with schopenhauerian philosophy.de-DE
dc.descriptionThis paper proposes to analyze Schopenhauer’s methodological and hermeneutical considerations regarding the knowledge of the thing-in-itself. For this purpose, I explain the nature of the philosophical abstraction in light of the primacy of the metaphysics of the Will. I argue that the possibility of the philosophical research is rooted on the interpretation of self-knowledge as an instance of the Will’s objectivation. In this regard, I will plead that the definition and criteria developed by Schopenhauer for his philosophy are established at the expense of deductive demonstration, in favor of a peculiar and particular form of abstraction fitted for the philosophical enterprise and subject matter. Finally, I will present an interpretation of the epistemological basis of reflexion in line with schopenhauerian philosophy.en-US
dc.descriptionEl presente artículo se propone analizar las consideraciones metodológicas y hermenéuticas propuestas por Schopenhauer de cara al conocimiento de la cosa en sí. Para ello, explicamos la naturaleza de la abstracción filosófica de cara a la primacía explicativa de la metafísica de la voluntad. Argumentamos que la posibilidad de la investigación filosófica se encuentra enraizada en la interpretación del auto-conocimiento como instancia de la objetivación de la voluntad. En ese sentido, sostenemos que la definición y los parámetros dispuestos por Schopenhauer para su filosofía se establecen en detrimento de la demostración deductiva, favoreciendo una peculiar y particular forma de abstracción adecuada al quehacer y objeto de estudio filosófico. Finalmente, proponemos una lectura de las bases epistemológicas de la reflexión conforme con la filosofía schopenhaueriana.es-ES
dc.descriptionThis paper proposes to analyze Schopenhauer’s methodological and hermeneutical considerations regarding the knowledge of the thing-in-itself. For this purpose, I explain the nature of the philosophical abstraction in light of the primacy of the metaphysics of the Will. I argue that the possibility of the philosophical research is rooted on the interpretation of self-knowledge as an instance of the Will’s objectivation. In this regard, I will plead that the definition and criteria developed by Schopenhauer for his philosophy are established at the expense of deductive demonstration, in favor of a peculiar and particular form of abstraction fitted for the philosophical enterprise and subject matter. Finally, I will present an interpretation of the epistemological basis of reflection in line with schopenhauerian philosophy.fr-FR
dc.descriptionThis paper proposes to analyze Schopenhauer’s methodological and hermeneutical considerations regarding the knowledge of the thing-in-itself. For this purpose, I explain the nature of the philosophical abstraction in light of the primacy of the metaphysics of the Will. I argue that the possibility of the philosophical research is rooted on the interpretation of self-knowledge as an instance of the Will’s objectivation. In this regard, I will plead that the definition and criteria developed by Schopenhauer for his philosophy are established at the expense of deductive demonstration, in favor of a peculiar and particular form of abstraction fitted for the philosophical enterprise and subject matter. Finally, I will present an interpretation of the epistemological basis of reflection in line with schopenhauerian philosophy.it-IT
dc.descriptionThis paper proposes to analyze Schopenhauer’s methodological and hermeneutical considerations regarding the knowledge of the thing-in-itself. For this purpose, I explain the nature of the philosophical abstraction in light of the primacy of the metaphysics of the Will. I argue that the possibility of the philosophical research is rooted on the interpretation of self-knowledge as an instance of the Will’s objectivation. In this regard, I will plead that the definition and criteria developed by Schopenhauer for his philosophy are established at the expense of deductive demonstration, in favor of a peculiar and particular form of abstraction fitted for the philosophical enterprise and subject matter. Finally, I will present an interpretation of the epistemological basis of reflection in line with schopenhauerian philosophy.pt-BR
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Santa Mariapt-BR
dc.rightsCopyright (c) 2020 Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofiapt-BR
dc.sourceVoluntas: International Journal of Philosophy; Bd. 11 Nr. 1 (2020): Dossier Der "Parmenides" Platons + Schopenhauer-Studien; 173 - 192de-DE
dc.sourceVoluntas: International Journal of Philosophy; Vol. 11 No. 1 (2020): Dossier Plato's "Parmenides" + Schopenhauerian Studies; 173 - 192en-US
dc.sourceVoluntas: International Journal of Philosophy; Vol. 11 Núm. 1 (2020): Dossier El "Parménides" de Platon + Estudios Schopenhauerianos; 173 - 192es-ES
dc.sourceVoluntas: International Journal of Philosophy; Vol. 11 No 1 (2020): Dossiê O "Parmênides" de Platão + Estudos Schopenhauerianos; 173 - 192fr-FR
dc.sourceVoluntas: International Journal of Philosophy; V. 11 N. 1 (2020): Dossier Il "Parmenide" di Platone + Studi Schopenhaueriani; 173 - 192it-IT
dc.sourceVoluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia; v. 11 n. 1 (2020): Dossiê O "Parmênides" de Platão + Estudos Schopenhauerianos; 173 - 192pt-BR
dc.subjectCosa en síes-ES
dc.titleOn the knowledge of the thing-in-itself according to Schopenhauerde-DE
dc.titleOn the knowledge of the thing-in-itself according to Schopenhaueren-US
dc.titleSobre el conocimiento de la cosa en sí según Schopenhaueres-ES
dc.titleOn the knowledge of the thing-in-itself according to Schopenhauerfr-FR
dc.titleOn the knowledge of the thing-in-itself according to Schopenhauerit-IT
dc.titleSobre o conhecimento da coisa-em-si segundo Schopenhauerpt-BR

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