Enhancing UML expressivity towards automatic code generation
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PAIS, A. P. V.; OLIVEIRA, C. E. T. Enhancing UML expressivity towards automatic code generation. Rio de Janeiro: NCE/ UFRJ, 2001. 10 p. (Relatório Técnico, 08/01)
Pais, Ana Paula Valente
Oliveira, Carlo Emmanoel Tolla de
UML has turned out to be a great tool to exchange ideas among designers from abstraction to detailed design. When it comes to machine interpretation. UML description lacks fonnalism, coverage and
detail to produce a fully fleshed informaúon system. Extensibility and genericity aIready built-in in the
language can be exploited to cater for its deficiencies. UML diagrams can be refined and reengineered to
cover unattended areas and rnissing information necessary for automatic system generation. GUI design,
control logic and persistency can be tracked from robustness analysis diagrams down to generation of
extended state, sequence, class and object diagrams. These diagrams are enhanced with new stereotypes
and tags to enable machine generation of interchangeable UI paradigms, use case controllers and
deployment of server entities. This enhanced UML concept is being tested in the development of a real
large system using a custornized set of scripts in a CASE tool.