Checklist of helminth parasites of cetaceans from Brazil
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LUQUE, José L. et al. Checklist of helminth parasites of cetaceans from Brazil. Zootaxa, v.2458, p.57-68, 2010.
Luque, José L.
Muniz-Pereira, Luís C.
Siciliano, Salvatore
Siqueira, Liege R.
Oliveira, Magda S.
Vieira, Fabiano M.
Based on published records and unpublished information retrieved from the Helminthological Collection of the Oswaldo
Cruz Institute (CHIOC), a checklist of the helminth parasites of cetaceans from Brazil was generated. A total of 215
records of 18 species of helminths were associated with 22 species of cetaceans in Brazil. Six species determined only to
genus were also included. The majority of these helminth species are nematodes (33.3%) and trematodes (33.3%), which
total 66.6% of the helminth fauna of cetaceans from Brazil. The Acanthocephala represents 22.2% of species, and the
Cestoda 11.1%. 2030-01-01