Scanning Electron Microscopy of the Egg of Haemagogus Tropicalis
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ALENCAR, Jeronimo et al. Scanning electron microscopy of the egg of Haemagogus Tropicalis. Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association, v. 24, n. 1, p. 16–20, 2008.
Alencar, Jeronimo
Degallier, Nicolas
Guimarães, Anthony Érico
Costa, Janira Martins
Marques, William de Almeida
Silva, Vanderlei C.
Santos-Mallet, Jacenir R.
Haemagogus tropicalis is strictly a forest-dwelling species from the fertile valley area of the
Amazoˆ nia forest. It is a diurnal mosquito, and the oviposition sites for the species include tree holes. The eggs
of Hg. tropicalis used in this study were from females captured on Combu´ Island, situated across from the
city of Bele´m, Guajara´ Bay, state of Para´ , at 1u259S latitude and 48u259W longitude. The eggs are elliptical
and ,575 mm long with a width of ,144 mm. The ventral surface of the chorionic reticulum has regular
chorionic cells with hexagonal and sometimes pentagonal ornamentation. Each chorionic cell has a thick
external chorionic reticulum with regular borders. The interior of the chorionic cells have small, evenly
distributed tubercles, and the dorsal external chorionic reticulum appears porous. The micropylar apparatus,
located on the anterior area of the egg, was formed by a collar with a well-developed frame. Centrally, the
micropylar disc had a diameter of ,20 mm and the micropylar orifice is 2.1 mm in diameter. These data may
enable construction of taxonomic keys for identifying eggs of Haemagogus species. 2022-01-01