Sexual health care of two generations of men: continuities and volatilities of scripts and habitus
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FONTANELLA, Bruno José Barcellos. GOMES, Romeu. sexual health care of two generations of men: continuities and volatilities of scripts and habitus. Ciênc. saúde coletiva., Rio de Janeiro, v. 20, n. 1, p. 259-272, 2015.
Fontanella, Bruno José Barcellos
Gomes, Romeu
To acquire in-depth understanding
of meanings attributed by young men to sexu-al health care, the similarities and asymmetries
present in a corpus of 60 reports of men from two
different generations were analyzed regarding this
type of care. A process of in-depth hermeneutics
was undertaken under the theoretical sociolog-ical perspectives of sexual scripts, male habitus
and generation. Fifteen analytical categories were
grouped together into the three dimensions of
sexual scripts (intra-psychic, interpersonal and
cultural). Some findings indicate the presence of
provisions which were not enduring and have not
been transposed to the next generation. However,
striking cultural similarities or habitus around
male sexuality were also found in the two different
socio-historical contexts, allowing for an interpre-tation on the as yet inconstant use of condoms
among the young.