The Lutzomyia longipalpis complex: a brief natural history of aggregation-sex pheromone communication
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SPIEGEL, Carolina N. et al. The Lutzomyia longipalpis complex: a brief natural history of aggregation-sex pheromone communication. Parasites & Vectors, v.9:580, 15p, 2016.
Spiegel, Carolina N.
Dias, Denise B. dos Santos
Araki, Alejandra S.
Hamilton, James G. C.
Brazil, Reginaldo P.
Jones, Théresa M.
In this paper we review the natural history of pheromone communication and the current diversity of aggregation-sex
pheromones in the sand fly Lutzomyia longipalpis. This species complex is the main vector of Leishmania infantum, the
agent of visceral leishmaniasis in the Americas. The identification of variation in pheromone chemotypes combined with
molecular and sound analyses have all contributed to our understanding of the extent of divergence among
cryptic members of this complex. The importance of chemical signals as pre-mating barriers and drivers of
speciation is discussed. Moreover, the importance of aggregation-sex pheromones as sexually selected signals
is highlighted with evidence from the literature suggesting their potential role in species and mate recognition as well as
mate assessment. The distinct evolutionary forces possibly involved are briefly reviewed and discussed in the context of
this intriguing insect.