Characterizing subpopulations of neoplastic cells in serous effusions. The role of immunocytochemistry
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QUEIROZ, C.; BARRAL NETTO, M.; BACCHI, C. E. Characterizing subpopulations of neoplastic cells in serous effusions. The role of immunocytochemistry. Acta Cytologica, v. 45, n.1, p. 18-22, 2001.
Queiroz, Conceição
Barral Netto, Manoel
Bacchi, Carlos Eduardo
Barral Netto, Manoel. “Documento produzido em parceria ou por autor vinculado à Fiocruz, mas não consta à informação no documento”. To analyze the role of immunochemistry in serous effusions. STUDY DESIGN: We analyzed cell blocks of 18 pleural
and 18 peritoneal effusions
diagnosed as malignant (18),
benign (14) and suspicious
(4). They were immunostained
by the avidin-biotin
complex method with a panel
of four monoclonal antibodies—
CEA, Ber-EP4, LeuM1
(CD15) and p53—and, for
lectins (Ulex europaeus)
UEA-l, ConA and ConBr.
RESULTS: Seventeen of the
18 cases of adenocarcinoma were positive for CEA
(95%), 12 (66.6%) for Ber-EP4, 11 (61%) for CD15 and
11 (61%) for p53. Twelve of the 18 (66.6%) were positive
for UEA-1, CEA, Ber-EP4 and CD15. UEA-1 did not
react with mesothelial cells. p53 Gave a positive reaction
in only one case, reactive mesothelial cells. ConA and
ConBr reacted indiscriminately with benign and malignant
cells; thus, it was not useful in distinguishing between
these cells.
CONCLUSION: In this context no antibody used alone
is reliable for corroborating a diagnosis, but the selective
use of a small panel of three markers (CEA, Ber-EP4 and
LeuM1) can be very useful in solving diagnostic difficulties
in the cytodiagnosis of
serous effusions.