Papers presented at events
Epidemiology profile of population in state street carrier of tuberculosis attended in a specialized center of reference of Salvador, Bahia
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BRANDAO NETA, B. L. Epidemiology profile of population in state street carrier of tuberculosis attended in a specialized center of reference of Salvador, Bahia. In: CURSO INTERNACIONAL DE EPIDEMIOLOGIA MOLECULAR EM DOENÇAS INFECCIOSAS E PARASITÁRIAS EMERGENTES, 14., 2014, Salvador. Anais... Salvador: Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Centro de Pesquisas GonçaloMoniz, 2014
Brandao Neta, Beatriz Lopes
Department of Social Development and Fight Poverty in the state of Bahia and School of Public Health of Bahia. The problem of tuberculosis in Brazil reflects the stage of social development of the
country, where the determinants of poverty, organizational weaknesses of the health
system and poor management , limited the use of technology and , consequently , inhibit
the fall sustained disease marked by social context