First detection of human T-lymphotropic virus in blood donors in Benin shows that testing is required to improve blood safety
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AMOUSSA, A. E. R. et al. First detection of human T-lymphotropic virus in blood donors in Benin shows that testing is required to improve blood safety. ISBT Science Series, p. 1–6, 2018.
Amoussa, Adjile Edjide Roukiyath
Kashima, Simone
Djobessi, Didier
Barreto, Fernanda Khouri
Davou, Denise
Bigot, Andre
Anani, Ludovic
Lourenco, Jose
Giovanetti, Marta
Sabino, Ester
Rahimy, Mohamed Cherif
Alcantara, Luiz Carlos Júnior
Brazilian Research councils: (CNPq-140152/2014-8; Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento
Cientíıfico e Tecnológico. This is my PhD fellowship grant which is the result of collaboration between Brazil and Africa), (FAPESP-2013/08135-2; Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo), (FINEP-1387/10; Ministério da Ciencia, Technologia, Inovações e Comunicações-Financiadora de Estudo e Projetos
(Empresa Brasileira de inovação e Pesquisas), and the Centre de Prise en Charge Medicale Integree du Nourrisson et de la Femme Enceinte atteints de Drépanocytose (CPMINFED), the national instititute of sickle cell disease, the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of hight Education, Benin, Afrique and Agence National de Transfusion Sanguine (ANTS), the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of hight Education, Benin, Afrique. Introduction Human T-lymphotropic virus (HTLV) is a blood-borne infection that
can be transmitted via blood transfusion. Knowing that blood safety can improve
blood transfusion to prevent dissemination of viral infections in medical facilities,
there is no routine pre-transfusion screening for HTLV in all blood banks in
the Republic of Benin. This study aims to estimate the prevalence of HTLV infection
in blood donors and describes the characteristics of positive donors.
Methods A HTLV prevalence study was carried out by screening 2,035 samples
by an enzyme-linked immunoassay obtained from six blood banks located
throughout the Republic of Benin. The PCR method was used to confirm and type
all the ELISA reactive samples.
Results and discussion Twelve subjects, all volunteer blood donors, were found
with positive serology confirmed by a specific HTLV type 1 PCR assay, representing
an overall seroprevalence of 0 59%. Furthermore, seven subjects were indeterminate
for anti-HTLV-1/2 antibody and only one sample was confirmed
positive for HTLV type 1 in a PCR reaction. These are the first cases of HTLV
detection among blood donors in Benin Republic, whose blood was already
transfused to recipients. This result emphasizes that HTLV needs to be considered
as a Public Health issue in the Republic of Benin.
Conclusion This study reports positive result of HTLV infection among blood
donors in the blood banks of Benin Republic in West Africa and highlights the
inclusion of screening tests and strategies to reduce its transmission.