Certifying the interruption of Chagas disease transmission by native vectors: cui bono?
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ABAD-FRANCH, Fernando et al . Certifying the interruption of Chagas disease transmission by native vectors: cui bono?. Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz, v. 108, n. 2, p. 251-254, 2013 .
Abad-Franch, Fernando
Diotaiuti, Liléia Gonçalves
Gurgel-Goncalves, Rodrigo
Gurtler, Ricardo E
Certifying the absence of Chagas disease transmission by native vectors lacks scientific grounds and weakens long-term control-surveillance systems to the detriment of people living under risk conditions. Instead, a regular "certification of good practice" (including vector control-surveillance, case detection/patient care and blood safety) could help achieve sustained disease control.