The sickle cell trait and end stage renal disease in Salvador, Brazil
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ALLADAGBIN, D. J. et al. The sickle cell trait and end stage renal disease in Salvador, Brazil. Plos One, v. 13, n. 12, p. e0209036, 2018.
Alladagbin, Dona Jeanne
Fernandes, Paula N
Tavares, Maria B
Brito, Jean Tadeu
Oliveira, Geraldo Gileno de Sá
Silva, Luciano Kalabric
Khouri, Nadia de Andrade
Oliveira, Marilia B
Amorim, Tatiana
Matos, Cácia Mendes
Ribeiro, Guilherme de Sousa
Lopes, Antônio Alberto da Silva
Gonçalves, Marilda de Souza
dosSantos, Washington Luis Conrado
Bahia Research Foundation (FAPESB); grant SUS0004/2013 (http:// to WLCS, DJA. Carriers of the sickle cell trait (HbAS) usually remain asymptomatic. However, under conditions of low tissue oxygenation, red blood cell sickling and vascular obstruction may develop. Chronic kidney disease (CKD) can arise from conditions promoting low-oxygen in kidney tissue, which may be aggravated by the presence of the sickle cell trait. In addition, CKD can arise from other genetic traits.
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