Spilonympha, a New Subgenus of Wyeomyia (Diptera: Culicidae) and Description of a New Species Wyeomyia aningae
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MOTTA, Monique Albuquerque; OLIVEIRA, Ricardo Lourenço de. Spilonympha, a New Subgenus of Wyeomyia (Diptera: Culicidae) and Description of a New Species Wyeomyia aningae. Annals of the Entomological Society of America, v. 98, n. 6, p. 838-852, Nov. 2005.
Motta, Monique Albuquerque
Oliveira, Ricardo Lourenço de
Spilonympha, a new subgenus of the genus Wyeomyia Theobald, is described based on
morphological characters of the adult, larval, and pupal stages. The taxonomic species included in the
new subgenus are Wyeomyia mystes (Dyar), Wy. bourrouli (Lutz), Wy. forcipenis Lourenc¸o-de-
Oliveira & Silva, Wy. finlayi Lane & Cerqueira, Wy. airosai Lane & Cerqueira, Wy. howardi Lane &
Cerqueira, and a new species designated Wy. aningae, which is described and illustrated. Wy. aningae
was designated as the type species of the new subgenus. The systematic treatment of these species
includes a key for the identiÞcation of the adult males, pupae, and larvae; bionomics data; and
geographical distribution. 2022-01-01