A survey and evaluation of mobile apps in science centers and museums
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BARBOSA, Maycon Gomes; SABOYA, Luiz Antonio de; BEVILAQUA, Diego Vaz. A survey and evaluation of mobile apps in science centers and museums. JCOM: Journal of Science Communication, v. 20, n. 5, A01, p. 1-20, ago. 2021.
Barbosa, Maycon Gomes
Saboya, Luiz Antonio de
Bevilaqua, Diego Vaz
Licença atribuída ao artigo pela revista: CC BY-NC-ND. This paper studies how science centers and museums around the world have used mobile apps with museum guide characteristics and tries to identify the best interface design principles to improve their use as a tool for interaction with the public. For this purpose, we mapped mobile apps from science centers and museums and applied an evaluation tool for each one to identify good practices. This allowed us to produce guidelines for identifying good practices in the development of apps as a way of expanding visitors’ experience in these institutions through these devices.