Prenatal diagnosis of pentalogy of cantrell in the first trimester: is 3-dimensional sonography needed?
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PEIXOTO-FILHO, Fernando Maia. et al. Prenatal diagnosis of pentalogy of cantrell in the first trimester: is 3-dimensional sonography needed? J. clin. ultrasound., New York, v. 37, p. 112–114, 2009.
Peixoto-Filho, Fernando Maia
Cima, Luciana Carneiro do
Nakamura-Pereira, Marcos
We report the prenatal diagnosis of 2
cases of Pentalogy of Cantrell in the first trimester. In
case 1, sonographic evaluation revealed ectopia cor-dis, omphalocele, and cystic hygroma at 10 weeks’
gestation. In case 2, sonographic assessment during
the first trimester detected ectopia cordis and ompha-locele at 11 weeks’ gestation. In both cases, the
patient opted for elective pregnancy termination, and
Pentalogy of Cantrell was confirmed in 2 male
fetuses. We discuss the role of Doppler imaging and
3-dimensional sonography as complementary meth-ods to conventional sonographic assessment of ab-dominal wall defects at early pregnancy.