Anti-CD4 treatment of NZB mice prevents the development of erythrocyte autoantibodies but hastens the appearance of anaemia.
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OLIVEIRA, G. G. S.; HUTCHINGS, P. R.; LYDYARD, P. M. Anti-CD4 treatment of NZB mice prevents the development of erythrocyte autoantibodies but hastens the appearance of anaemia. Immunology Letters, v. 39, p. 153-156, 1994.
Oiveira, Geraldo Gileno de Sá
Hutchings, Patricia R
Lydyard, Peter M
Oliveira, Geraldo Gileno de Sá “Documento produzido em parceria ou por autor vinculado à Fiocruz, mas não consta à informação no documento”. Brazilian Council for Development of Research and Technology (CNPq.). New Zealand Black (NZB) mice spontaneousl2,.
develop autoimmune haemolytic anaemia as the
result of production of autoantibodies to erythrocytes.
We have recently shown that antibodies to
CD4 prevent the development of erythrocyte
autoantibodies in young mice (Coombs' negative).
In spite of this inhibition of erythrocyte
autoantibody production, the anti-CD4-treated
mice show a precocious and severe anaemia.
Balb, c mice treated with the same protocol do
not develop anaemia. Our results suggest that er.~-
thropoiesis in NZB mice is particularly sensitive
to depletion of CD4 + T cells.