On the diversity of mollusc intermediate hosts of Angiostrongylus costaricensis Morera & Cespedes, 1971 in southern Brazil
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TEIXEIRA, Carlos Graeff et al. On the diversity of mollusc intermediate hosts of Angiostrongylus costaricensis Morera & Cespedes, 1971 in southern Brazil. Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, v. 88, n. 3, p. 487-489, July/Sept. 1993.
Teixeira, Carlos Graeff
Thiengo, Silvana C.
Thome, José Willibaldo
Medeiros, Aline Bueno
Coura, Lea Camillo
Agostini, Aventino A.
Veronicellid slugs are considered the most important intermediate hosts of Angiostrongylus costaricensis, an intra-arterial nematode of rodents. Studies undertaken in three localities in southern Brazil led to identification of molluscs other than veronicellid slugs as hosts of A. costaricensis: Limax maximus, Limax flavus and Bradybaena similaris. These data indicate a low host specificity of larval stages of A. costaricensis, as it has been reported to other congeneric species.