3D ultrasonography to evaluate fetal urinary production rates in twin gestation: construction of a normal value curve
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MOCARZEL, Carolina Carvalho et al. 3D ultrasonography to evaluate fetal urinary production rates in twin gestation: construction of a normal value curve. Twin Research and Human Genetics, Bowen Hills, v. 17, n. 1, p. 45-50, 2013.
Mocarzel, Carolina Carvalho
Sá, Renato Augusto Moreira de
Velarde, Luis Guillermo Coca
Peixoto-Filho, Fernando Maia
Ville, Yves
Objective: The aim of this study was to assess fetal urinary production rates (FUPR) in twin gestations
using 3D ultrasonography with VOCAL R (virtual organ computer-aided analysis) and to develop a curve
of normal values for the target population. Methods: A cross-sectional study was performed in 30 normal
twin pregnancies with gestational ages ranging from 20 to 34 weeks. FUPR was measured using a threedimensional
ultrasound (3D US) virtual organ computer-aided analysis (VOCAL) system. FUPR (ml/hour)
was calculated during the filling phase using the equation UPR = (VFB2 - VFB1)/time. The values for UPR
were plotted as a function of fetal biometry (biparietal diameter) to generate a nomogram. Results: A total
of 41 normal twin fetuses with gestational ages between 20 and 34 weeks were investigated. Eleven were
excluded because of inadequate bladder contour image quality and/or the observation of micturition in
one or both fetuses. Linear regression analysis of FUPR as a function of biparietal diameter (BPD) shows
the normal range for UPR by fetal biometry and is expressed by the following equation: Ln(UPR) = -5.0121
+ 0.0548 BPD (R2 0.3386, p value <.001). There was no statistically significant difference when the UPR
was stratified by chorionicity. Conclusions: The use of biometric parameters to predict fetal FUPR seems
to be useful. In twin pregnancies, BPD is the variable that is most closely related to FUPR. For each 1 mm
increase in BPD, there is a 5% increase in FUPR. Chorionicity did not affect FUPR.