Humoral response in Leishmaniasis
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CONDE, Luciana et al. Humoral response in Leishmaniasis. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology, v. 12, 1063291, p. 1 - 8, Dec. 2022.
Conde, Luciana
Maciel, Gabriela
Assis, Gustavo Meira de
Lima, Leonardo Freire de
Nico, Dirlei
Vale, André
LIma, Célio Geraldo Freire de
Morrot, Alexandre
Leishmaniasis presents different types of clinical manifestations that can be
divided into cutaneous leishmaniasis and visceral leishmaniasis. The host’s
immune system, associated with genetic and nutritional factors, is strongly
involved in the evolution of the disease or parasite escape. Humoral immunity is
characterized by the production of antibodies capable of promoting
neutralization, opsonization, and activation of the complement system. In
this scenario, B lymphocytes produce antibodies that play an important role
in Leishmania infection although neglected for a long time. Thus, relevant
aspects in the establishment of Leishmania infection will be addressed,
highlighting the importance of humoral immunity during the entire process
of Leishmania infection.