A Data Pre-Processing Method for Software Effort Estimation Using Case-Based Reasoning
Damaceno Borges,Katia Cristina A.
de Barcelos Tronto,Iris Fabiana
de Aquino Lopes,Renato
Simões da Silva (in memorian),José Demisio
Software effort estimates is an important part of software development work and provides essential input to project feasibility analyses, bidding, budgeting and planning. Analogy-based estimates models emerge as a promising approach, with comparable accuracy to arithmetic methods, and it is potentially easier to understand and apply. Studies show all the models are sensitive to the quality and availability data, thus requiring a systematic data treatment. In this paper, it is proposed a data pre-processing method for use in software effort estimate. The results of it on applying on applying Case Based Reasoning - CBR that enables us to enhance the precision of the estimates.