Operating System Support for IPNoSys
Fernandes de Araújo,Silvio Roberto
Saraiva Silva,Ivan
Abstract The IPNoSys is an architecture that exploits the advantages of NoCs as parallel communication, reusability and scalability to transform the routers in processing elements building a packet-driven architecture that processing while routing the packets. This represents a paradigm break of traditional NoC-based MPSoC systems, which there is the separation between computation and communication. With new paradigm, such architecture already showed superiority in execution time comparing to an equivalent MPSoC. In this paper is presented the operating system support for IPNoSys, including the memory management, process management, I/O management, interruption, exception and timer. Additionally, it is proposed two versions of multi-task scheduling, the first one is a preemptive and the second a non-preemptive. In some cases the scheduling algorithms improvement the throughput of system up to 80%.