Air quality assessment using the Pollen Abortion assay in Tradescantia pallida in a Mid-sized City in Southern Brazil
Ceglinski,Leonardo de Vasconcellos
Garcia,Edariane Menestrino
Reis,Fernanda Oliveira
Tavella,Ronan Adler
Silva Júnior,Flavio Manoel Rodrigues da
Abstract: Urbanization is an important source of air pollutants that can compromise human health. In developing countries, such as Brazil, most cities do not have air quality monitoring stations. Assessing air quality through plant species has gained recognized prominence, as they are sessile organisms and sensitive to environmental changes. Pollen abortion assay in Tradescantia pallida is a fast and low-cost bioassay that can be implemented in passive biomonitoring scenarios. The present study aimed to use the pollen abortion assay in T. pallida to assess air quality in the municipality of Rio Grande, RS, Brazil and the possible relationship with vehicular flow. A relation was found between the highest rate of pollen abortion and the sites where there was greater vehicular flow and ozone levels, while at the control point, the lowest rate of pollen abortion among the others was found, corroborating the hypothesis that air pollution together with high levels of ozone from vehicles, impair plant pollination.