Event-Triggered Control for a Three DoF Manipulator Robot
Benítez-García,Saúl Enrique
Villarreal-Cervantes,Miguel Gabriel
Abstract: In the classical approach of Time-Triggered Control (TTC), the control signal is updated at each sampling time as well as the system states to be controlled, which could imply a redundancy in the computational calculation as well as in the transfer of information in the regulation objective. On the other hand, the Event-Triggered Control (ETC) approach performs the same task in an asynchronous way, i.e,, it only updates the control signal when a performance requirement is violated and the states are updated at each sampling time. This reduces the amount of computational calculation without affecting the performance of the closed loop system. For this reason, in the present work the ETC is developed for the stabilization of a manipulator robot with three Degree of Freedom (DoF) in the joint space where a Lyapunov Control Function (LCF) is proposed to formulate the event function (e¯), which indicates whether or not is required the control signal updating. Simulation results show the reduction of the updates compared with a TTC.