Costa Rica
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Settlement and post-settlement survival of Orbicella annularis and Orbicella faveolata (Scleractinia: Merulinidae) on substrates with coatings
Abstract Introduction: One of the main bottlenecks in restoration projects based on sexual reproduction is post-settlement survival, mainly due to competition for substrate with fleshy algae and predation. Therefore, substrates of different shapes and materials have been created and tested, seeking to optimize these processes with attractive surfaces for the larvae and structures where the recruits are protected from predation, and competition is reduced. Objective: To improve settlement and post-settlement survival of two important Caribbean reef-building corals, using different coatings on substrates. Methods: To determine whether substrate coatings properties are favourable to larval settlement in Orbicella annularis, and O. faveolata, collected in Puerto Morelos, Mexican Caribbean, we evaluated their settlement for three weeks on six coatings with a combination of properties. Each coating was designed to provide a combination of two out of three properties: 1) water repellence (hydrophobicity), 2) phosphorescence-based colour, and 3) mineral-enriched surface chemistry. In a separate experiment larvae settlement was tested using coatings with a single property. Finally, we determined the post-settlement survival of O. annularis and O. faveolata on the different coatings for seven weeks. Results: The combination of high hydrophobicity and light blue phosphorescent microparticles and high hydrophobicity and red-orange phosphorescent microparticles resulted in a higher settlement of O. annularis and O. faveolata when compared with other coatings (30.8 - 66.7 % higher). No significant differences were found in the number of larval settled when the water-repellence and the phosphorescence-based were evaluated independently. Post-settlement survival time on substrates was low, with a maximum of 34 days after settlement for O. annularis and 42 days for O. faveolata. Conclusions: In terms of the larval settlement, the combination of the coatings properties appears to play an essential role in the choice of microhabitat for both O. annularis and O. faveolata. But individually these properties did not generate an advantage in the larval settlement. Moreover, some chemical components associated with the coatings may be counterproductive to the survival of the polyps over time.