Traditional versus simplified impression methods for complete dentures: critical appraisal of evidence
Rivero,Marta G.
Abstract Introduction: Inspite of the great advances in dentistry, aging populations imply that there are still significant numbers of edentulous people worldwide. In most cases, implant-assisted prosthetic rehabilitation is the best solution. However, economic issues constrain access to this therapeutic approach, meaning that conventional removable prosthetics continue to be the most frequent treatment. In the removable denture making process, the so-called traditional method has been widely taught and used. It involves taking two impressions: a preliminary one followed by a definitive one (or functional). The simplified method constructs the prosthesis directly from the first impression obtained with a stock tray, without the need of a second impression. Purpose: To review the scientific evidence comparing both methods in terms of patient satisfaction, clinical quality, and masticatory performance and capacity. Results: No advantages have been found in favor of the traditional method regarding the four variables selected. Conclusions: According to the available information, the traditional method of taking impressions for complete removable dental prostheses does not provide significantly superior clinical results when compared to those obtained using the simplified method in terms of clinical quality, patient satisfaction, performance and masticatory capacity.