Persistence of Chagas disease active transmission among dogs in Venezuela rural community
Rodríguez-Bonfante,Claudina del Carmen
Rojas,María Elena
Concepción,Juan Luis
Bonfante-Cabarcas,Rafael Armando
Objective: To determine human and canine seroprevalence, entomologic indexes and risk factors for Chagas’ disease transmission in a rural community. Method: 48 houses, 162 people, and 55 canines were sampled. Serum anti-Trypanosoma cruzi antibodies were determined by means of ELISA and MABA techniques using recombinant antigens. Triatomine collection were carried out by passive search by community and an active/systematic house, T. cruzi infection was determined by direct microcopy. Results: 2,47% of the humans and 18.18% of the canines were positive to serum anti-T.cruzi antibodies. The triatomine bugs found was 98.24% and 1.76% Eratyrus mucronatus. Vector’s indexes were: 0 % vector infection, 18.75% indoor house infestation, 25% outdoor house infestation, 0% indoor house colonization, 83.33 % outdoor house colonization and 4.16% house co-infestation. We obtained an association between house triatomine infestation and visualization of wild animals in the house. Discussion: there are not vector transmission of Chagas disease in the community, however, high dog’s prevalence is related to their biological habits and behavior