research article
Model based predictive control with switcher of redundant vectors for a cascade H-bridge multilevel STATCOM
Comparatore Franco, Leonardo David
Renault, Alfredo
Pacher Vega, Julio Cesar
Gregor Recalde, Raul Igmar
Rodas Benítez, Jorge Esteban
Classical model based predictive control for cascade H-bridge multilevel STATCOM produces a different switching pattern for different cells, this generates different stresses, DC-link voltage imbalance and different active power losses among the cells. To solve the aforementioned issues, the focus of this paper is to include a switcher of redundant vectors for DC-link voltage balance on the classical predictive control method and also improve the performance in terms of total harmonic distortion and remain focus the reactive power compensation. Simulation results of the proposed control approach are analyzed to verify the effectiveness of this proposal. CONACYT – Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología PROCIENCIA